FAST FINISHERS BOXESmestraestela6 ago 20211 Min. de lecturaActualizado: 2 ene 2022IN PROCESS.I’m still making another one. These boxes are at the end of the class. The kids can go when they finish the task and play vocabulary games.These are some of the games the students can find in the boxes.SAY THE NAME.pdfDescargar PDF • 435KB
IN PROCESS.I’m still making another one. These boxes are at the end of the class. The kids can go when they finish the task and play vocabulary games.These are some of the games the students can find in the boxes.SAY THE NAME.pdfDescargar PDF • 435KB
Pintura de paretVolíem fer-ho des de fa temps. Finalment, gràcies als tallers de la setmana cultural i als mestres amb moltes ganes de treballar, hem...